
Sunday, October 26, 2014

Day 26: Craftsmanship

Craftsmanship and the feeling of abundance go hand in hand for me. Earlier this fall, I had the pleasure of experiencing not one, but two types of craftsmanship in one day.
I did not know that there is a Latvian company that builds such luxurious beds and headboards (see below) right there in Latvia. I'm glad I happened to visit the store and showroom of Nakts Mēbeles, and even happier about the fact that I got to learn a bit more about the materials and how the beds are made, and that there is an actual old factory restored that's in use today. I loved the hot cocoa color of this headboard:
and the texture of the fabric was so cozy.
Very neat details, and I also loved 
this gallery wall (below) with the company history in photographs. I love the browns and the creams, and the gold here.
I am fascinated by people who are experts at something, people who are passionate about their thing, people who put in the time. It was therefore a pleasure to meet Žanis Raivo Behmanis, the sous-chef of the restaurant Kuk Buk, the creator of this:
My friend and I were presented with this "compliments from the chef" dessert tasting menu. I was very excited and so happy that someone would take the time to create something so beautiful. My friend said that a tasting menu like this would be an excellent ice-breaker for first dates, and I agree - there's nothing like bonding over a new experience, nothing like exploring all these tastes on one plate. I loved that the overall dessert theme was so Nordic early autumn:
we were treated to beetroot mousse made with cottage cheese and served with lingonberry chutney (above), pumpkin cream, a truffle brownie, meringue and a smoked apple jam.  And why not decorate with baby salads? Pretty and delicious. There were also raspberries and blueberries, the whole plate was a wonderful surprise, but the best part was getting to meet the chef and talking to him briefly about what's cooking now and in the future.

For another lovely combination, take a look at this chocolate-basil cake.

New here? Happy to see you! You can read all the posts in this 31 day series here.

Note: This is not a sponsored post.

Thank you for stopping by Pieliekamais!


  1. I feel like you've just taken me on a little adventure. How neat!

  2. Jā, apbrīnoju cilvēkus, kas rada tik skaistas lietas. Zināmā mērā tās lietas kļūst skaistas no tās rūpības un uzmanības izdomas un pacietības, kas tiek radītas to izveidošanai. Katra detaļa no svara, katra lentīte, tonis un gaismu saspēle.To pašu jau arī dara ar vārdiem, notīm, krāsām. To, manuprāt, sauc par radošumu, un tam nav sakara ar nosaukumiem "mākslinieks, "dzejnieks" utml. Arī Tu radi skaistumu savās fotogrāfijās, tekstos un šajā blogā. Paldies, mīļā!

    1. Paldies!!
      "Zināmā mērā tās lietas kļūst skaistas no tās rūpības un uzmanības izdomas un pacietības" - exactly! Loti preciizi pateikts, es arii taa uzskatu.
