
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Day 14: The Simplest Recipe

The simplest recipe for more abundance is this -
go out in nature. I need to be out in the woods just like I need coffee, and just like I need the internet sometimes. Look at what I discovered recently -
how beautiful this light, puffy type of moss looks together with the still green leaves and ferns. The moss looks almost like snow, but it's not, and the green against the pale, pale green, almost silvery white of the moss looks so lush and happy. It's like a winter fairy-tale in autumn; magic.

Thank you for stopping by Pieliekamais!


  1. Awesome! That is just magical.
    A few years ago I noticed these vibrant yellow bushes, the stems turn bright yellow during autumn that are just amazing. I need to get a photo of one sometime but I've only seen them beside the highway on the way up north and I don't go that way for work any longer.

  2. Ļoti skaisti! Atgādina man vakar redzēto. Latvijā naktī jau bija sals un pa ceļam uz Jēkabpili zeltainās lapas papildināja sudrabaina, salnas skarta zāle. Maģiski skaista divu gadalaiku satikšanās saullēkta stundā.
