
Thursday, October 16, 2014

Day 16 : Closed loop "recycling"

Today I'd like to tell you about a very neat way to create abundance for you and for your neighbors:
start a "free stuff" place.

In my building, we have one wall near the elevator bank that is the dedicated "free stuff" place. Got something that's not useful to you anymore, but it'd be a pity to just throw it away? Stick it by the "free stuff" wall!

Not everyone bothers to make a sign that says "free stuff", but we've put things there for so long that by now, everyone knows that anything that is put by that wall is fair game.

Just recently I scored nine (nine!) DVDs. That is quite a few hours of absolutely free entertainment - thank you, my neighbor!

What is absolutely perfect about the "free stuff" wall is that this "swap" requires no actual and potentially awkward contact with your neighbors. Your old stuff moves on, which is absolutely perfect from the environment point of view, and it takes you almost no time at all to do this good deed.

Examples of things I've "recycled" this way is books, house plants, magazines, flower pots, DVDs, and old balcony chairs.  I am amazed that everything goes, usually in a matter of hours.

What could you stand to remove from your home today? Is there an item that's not serving you anymore, but would make someone else's day?

Thank you for stopping by Pieliekamais!


  1. Wow, I've never heard of something like this but it's such a tremendously awesome idea!!!

  2. I've heard of leaving things on the curb, I guess that'd be similar, except then everyone would know whose stuff it is.
    They did a radio show on this and the reporter said he got a Playstation and what not from this type of "free stuff for the neighbors" place. Many buildings have a communal garbage room with separate containers for glass, plastic, metal, and other types of waste. This room is where you'd normally put things you don't want anymore. Our building doesn't have a room like this so we started a wall :)

  3. People do put stuff on the curb with their trash but only like bigger things that won't fit in the trash can and people are way less likely to pick up someone's "trash" than to go through the "free stuff" area of a place. It really is neat to think you can leave old movies or magazines and then people can grab them if they want. Great idea!

  4. Manai puķei sākusies ļoti veiksmīga otrā dzīve kopējā kāpņu telpā! Domāju, ka abas esam laimīgas:) Paldies, ka biji uzstājīga:)
