Everything outside is changing by the hour. Spring is here.
Above, some hepatica flowers with early morning frost.
Below, how is it possible that a tree that fell three years ago has these yellow fuzzies? I looked at the whole tree, and saw that
there are new stems coming from the old trunk almost the length of the tree (the part that's on the ground). So apparently the tree is still alive and gets energy and nutrition through the trunk/soil.
Next up we have a vinbär bush with first leaves unfolding (below). This particular bush grows in a very sunny and quite shielded area. I visit another vinbär bush almost daily in a more open/windy area, and there are no green leaves there (yet).
Back to the woods, the first buds of wild rose leaves are emerging, and today in the midday sun they looked pistachio-green.
To conclude, some new lupine plants (below). I took the chance a few days ago to wander farther into what is an overgrown wild area during summertime. Right now this wild meadow is still quite bare, so I went exploring. I found tiny lupine leaves with what seemed like dew in some of the "cups".
Look at the fuzzy little lupine bud in the lower part of the picture, below.
I also found a big patch of snowdrops in a new to me location (behind a wild apple tree), and the first wild strawberry leaves have emerged since at least a week ago. So things are definitely happening! Thank you for coming on this nature walk with me.
Thank you for stopping by Pieliekamais!